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    Software to obtain fabric using digital image

    FabricS (Fabric Software) is a powerful software developed by LAIMA group which allows to obtain fabric, a textural parameter of sedimentary deposits, using digital image processing. Algorithm is based on circular statistic principles. FrabicS requires segmented image (mask) and color image (opcional). Software allow to analysis of full or split image. When it work on split image mode you can control the number division of image as well as size and marges. Output of the software is a image and text file which contains circular statistic principles such as mean, iso-orientation, varianza and orientations. We developed a tool that realizes the Rose Diagram.

    Download without MCR 10Mb Download MCRInstaller includes 440Mb Manual License

    About the MCRinstaller. The MCRinstaller is the platform to run the developed software. It only need to install once, so if you have already installed the MCRinstaller before, only need to download the software without the MCRinstaller.