• Img

    Software for grain-size automatically

    We developed a novel software, based on segmentation for color image, using Entropy-Controlled Quadratic Markov Measures Field Models developed by Rivera M. and Dalmau O. (2012). OPTGRAN software obtained the optical granulometry by segmenting the color image. The algorithm use the mask (result of segmentation) and Rosiwal's stereological intercept method. Because, some images are so complicated for segmenting due to the nature of deposits, the OPTGRAN software have a manual editing tool to improvement the segmentation. The possibility of performing automatic analysis of sedimentary deposits opens the opportunity of new applications and areas.

    Download without MCR 10Mb Download MCRInstaller includes 440Mb Manual License

    About the MCRinstaller. The MCRinstaller is the platform to run the developed software. It only need to install once, so if you have already installed the MCRinstaller before, only need to download the software without the MCRinstaller.